Yes: Our Favorite Word

 By Erica and Karen

Retirement has changed our attitudes in many ways. One of the best is our relationship with the word "yes." 

As lawyers, we learned early on that "yes" was where we wanted to go. Yes, you can do that. Yes, we have a good argument why it was OK that you did that. While we sometimes had to say no, that was a last resort, and would never get us a lot of repeat business. We usually found a way to avoid it.

In our non-work lives, however, the situation was the opposite. No, we couldn't possibly commit to theatre tickets two months in advance. No, we can't meet you for lunch. No, we can't leave work that early. And even no, we just need to collapse this weekend. That was sometimes the way we expressed our freedom--or that we were at the end of our tether. By saying no.

Now, we are learning to say yes to just about everything. Yes, we can commit to going to that blockchain lecture. Yes, of course we will commit to lunch in three weeks with a famous makeup artist. Yes, we would be happy to meet your friend... who turns out to have a great idea that has led us to a whole new venture. Yes, we can go see that movie tomorrow afternoon.

"Yes" is an excellent word. We're glad we can use it for ourselves now.



The Politics of Hair


The Word Retirement: Own It and Make it Modern.