Ten Random (And Mostly Cranky) Questions About COVID Life.

By Karen and Erica

COVID-19 has dominated our lives for weeks, and likely will for many more. We are faring well, compared to so many others. We hope the end is coming nearer, as we are getting a bit desperate. And not just for a haircut. 

But meanwhile, some random questions about COVID Life. Petty, maybe. But still.

  • Why can’t someone design a face mask that does not suffocate you and steam your glasses? And why did most of us have to make our own? What is America coming to? At least some stylish masks are finally available!

  • What’s with those people who dawdle in the middle of a crowded sidewalk, with devices and without masks, completely defeating socialdistancing? (Yes, we know socialdistance is not a verb. Yet.)

  • And why do joggers feel exempt from the face covering directive, even though they pant loudly inches away from you? OK, masks are a pain, so if you don’t want to wear one, remember NYC is quite magical at 5 am.

  • Are we doomed to Zoom for the rest of our lives? Why do we hate it so? Just because it makes all of us look so dreadful? (Zoom is a verb. Already.)

  • Who Zooms wearing pajamas, or the functional equivalent? (OK, we don’t dress like we used to either, but we change out of what we sleep in. And we take showers. And if we really look bad we turn off the video.)

  • Why on earth did some large brands think it appropriate to board up their storefronts in our neighborhoods? It’s insulting. And short-sighted.

  • Why doesn't every grocery store do what Trader Joe’s in Soho did in the early opening hours? They welcomed us not as seniors but as VIPs! Two points Trader Joe’s!

  • How did the federal government get so incompetent? Can’t they do anything right? Can we put Andrew Cuomo in charge of the pandemic response?

  • Why does New York City’s mayor think the only thing that matters is Macy’s July 4 fireworks? Especially as we will have to see them remotely?

  • When did everyone learn to bake?


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