Twelve Rules For A Fit Life.

By Joan Pagano

A career dedicated to more than thirty years of teaching fitness has taught me many life lessons! Some are based on the science of exercise physiology, some in human. behavior, and others from my own personal experience of pursuing a lifelong fitness routine.

The following twelve “rules” are what I found work best across the board.

  1. The BEST exercise is one you will DO! Yes, we have guidelines to inspire, direct and keep us on track, but if you are unable to unwllling to follow them, do what you ARE willing and able to do.

  2. Eat and exercise every day in such a way that you can face doing it again tomorrow. In this way you will develop habits to serve you for life. As you deliberately create a mindset of healthy choices throughout each day, your behaviors gradually build a healthier lifestyle.

  3. Consistency is more important than intensity. When developing an exercise habit, it doesn’t matter how hard you work or how far you go. What matters is that you set up a regular routine as a foundation. Habits persist even when we are at low energy and weak self-controi. Studies show we tend to default to habit when we lack the mental capability to make a choice, for example if we are deliberating about whether to not to exercise.

  4. Frequency is more important than duration. Aim to be more active more frequently than for longer sessions, Accumulate your exercise in doses, Find opportunities to move as you go about your daily activities, Think “activity” instead of “workout.” Walk to work. Take the steps. Lift and carry your groceries, Do your housekeeping chores energetically. Develop an active lifestyle.

  5. It’s easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. This is decidedly true! Once you have achieved a certain level of conditioning, it does not take as much work to maintain it as to did to attain it. The improvements in all the physiological systems—muscle strength, cardio stamina, and bone density, can be preserved with much less effort if you continue to stimulate those systems regularly.

  6. Take the “vitality vow” to prevent entering the “disability zone.” Every day that you don’t exercise, you are short-changing yourself on the other end of your active days. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Instead of focusing on the inconvenience or discomfort of doing your workout, think of the health and lifestyle benefits that you are gaining for the future, enhancing your function and independence into your later years.

  7. Make your efforts count. Exercise should be effortful to be most effective. For example, you should feel your heart rate and breathing increase with cardio, and your muscles pump up with strength training. While walking is an economical, convenient and healthy activity, it may not be enough to boost your fitness level. You will benefit more if you add intervals of faster pace.

  8. A well-rounded fitness program is a combination of cardio, strength training and stretching. Cardio exercise promotes longevity, strength training improves quality of life, and stretching maintains our mobility.

  9. Accumulate thirty minutes of moderate cardio activity most (at least five) days of the week. Studies show that exercise accumulated in short bouts of ten to fifteen minutes offer weight loss and aerobic fitness benefits comparable to those achieved in longer workouts. And even ten minutes of mild exercise, like walking the dog, can improve memory function, enhancing the ways certain parts the brain communicate and coordinate with one another.

  10. Do strength training exercises two to three times a week, on non-consecutive days. Keep it simple. Classic bodyweight exercises like squats and pushups provide enough resistance to condition the muscles and fortify the bones. Learn to do a proper squat, the number one functional exercise for life. It is the movement we need to get up from a seated position—from a chair, toilet or bathtub. While working the large muscles of the lower body, the squat creates strength and stability to reduce the risk of falling. As a bonus, it helps lift and firm the bottom line!

  11. Elongate the spine. Stretch out the length of your torso to instantly look younger and slimmer. Think of separating the ribs from the hips, putting length into the spine, reaching the top of your head to the ceiling. Take a deep breath in, exhale, stand tall and hold the height.

  12. “Everything in moderation—especially food—and by all means, exercise,” my mother replied at the age of 97 when I asked her for her own rules to live by. She also endorsed a happy relationship, the right to vote, and hobbies like gardening and reading. Every day I try to live up to her legacy!

For expert guidance on strength training techniques, step by step photos depicting how to perform exercise, and a selection of well-rounded workouts, please check out Joan’s book, Strength Training Exercises for Women. Joan also offers an online fitness and nutrition course, “Beat Belly Fat, Bloating, Bone Loss and the Blues.” The course includes a module on exercise for posture and alignment.

(c) Copyright - Joan L. Pagano. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


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