Ten Do's And Don'ts If Retirement Looms.

By Karen and Erica

  1. Don't panic. About anything. Including that you have no plan.

  2. Do try to enjoy the last months of your career, the crowning moments of a huge accomplishment.

  3. Don’t start lining up commitments. You will not have a picture of what you want for your future until a reasonable time has passed after you actually retire.

  4. Do start thinking about your post-retirement wardrobe. It will be fun. You will need a new look. Sleek, stylish and vital.

  5. Don’t feel too guilty that everyone else is working harder than you. At your exalted level, succession execution is much more important than working on quotidian tasks.

  6. Remember that retirement is not The End. It is the end of your career. it is also the gateway to something novel and different and energizing.

  7. Don’t take home too much from your office. You are not going to recreate your old life. You are going to transform your life, using as a foundation the skills and experience you earned through your career.

  8. Know how to reach everyone you really like but will no longer see every day. Make sure they too know that this is notThe End, but rather a pivot to something new. The movie continues.

  9. Don’t say no to the party. You’ll enjoy it.

  10. Do insist that Champagne and caviar be served at the party. In large quantities.



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